fect day for a race. Today is the W

asatch Woman Love Your Body 6k which is held at Thanksgiving Point. This is an all women event, and there are
alot more women here than I thought would be.
I talked my mom, sister Terri, and daughters into running or walking this with me. Well, my daughters really didn't have a choice, I just signed them up.
It was fun having a "girl weekend." We went down the night before and stayed at the Hampton. Our
pre-race dinner was Maddox! We got extra rolls to go, figured we would add some yummy
Mom and Terri met us that morning. They arrived quite early, so they came over to the hotel and had breakfast with us. Mom and Terri walked it. Me and the girls ran it. I felt that I was holding my girls back, so I told them just to go at their own pace and I would meet them at the end.
I was so nervous, and focused on running, that I didn't see any of the cool stuff around me. I was informed after the race that there was a really neat i
talian garden, water fall, and other nice gardens that we ran through. Me.........I saw the path I was running on, the persons feet in front of me, the little boy handing me a cup at the water station, and the finish line.
My time was 42 minutes! I was able to jog the whole event. Super excited to see my mom and Terri come around to the finish line. They walked it, and they were not last! Mom was the oldest female competitor. She is AWESOME!
They had a bouncy slide thing there at the finish line, and Ben threw up in the bounce house. By the time Jessy got a wet wipe to wipe it up, some other kid was sliding down.
OOOPS. We all laughed about that one.
Celebration lunch with my other sister Patti, and my nieces Krista, Jessy and her son Ben, and Jenny. We ate at