Last minute, (1 week before the race), I made the decision to participate in the Santa Run. My friend Angie wanted to do this, so I signed up to be her Santa buddy. Our daughters, Jacque and Tia, also signed up to be the elf helpers. On Wednesday we drove to Ogden to pick up our Santa suits and the girls elf shirts and elf hats. Jacque and Tia decided to bling-bling their shirts. Our Santa suits were a little snug. Angie ended up getting some pj pants to run in, and I took her Santa pants.
Super duper last minute, (Thanksgiving night), I talked Krista into doing this race with us. We picked up Krista's Santa suite about 30 minutes before the event.
Jacque and Tia's volunteer assignment was to be at the finish line. They were typing in bib numbers as runners crossed the finish line. Jacque got so cold at the finish line. Her toes were like ice cubes!

At 4:15 Angie and I headed over to the starting area. I am guessing there were about 500 people dressed like Santa. We knew that our friends Heather and Jason were going to be there. We both were trying to focus on faces, looking for these two. For some strange reason, I found them.

We got our picture taken with them. They are in our Race RX class.
An announcement came that we needed to head to 22nd and Washington, for the official starting area. While we were waiting for the start, a Santa came over to me. It was Stephanie. A girl that I have met on facebook, that is in my running group.

I was so surprised that she was able to find me, let alone recognize me amongst all those Santa's. I guess she got lucky, just as I did when I found Heather. It was time for the Santa warm up; ho ho ho jumping jacks, then boots, tummy, beard and hat. The course was on Washington Blvd, from 22nd street to 26th street. Back and forth, back and forth. There were two milk and cookie stations along the way. People were lined up on the sidewalk, cheering us on. Washington Blvd. was closed, so there were Santas running in all directions. If you wanted to cut it short, you could, just needed to not cross the finish line.
3-2-1, and the Santa's are off.

Krista ended up having a wardrobe malfunction (her Santa pants were not cooperating). She had to hold her pants up the entire route. She cut her route a little short. Angie and I continued along the path. Grapevining or running backwards along the way. Just having a jingle ole time.
There was a Christmas Lighted Parade immediately following the run. Jacque was so cold though, we went to the car, and just sat in the car with the heater on until she got warmed up. We ate at Maddox on our way home.

Would I do this run again? Yes. I would plan a little better though. I would take some chairs and set up along the route so that we would have a spot to watch the parade. Jacque would dress warmer. I would also take a thermos of hot chocolate to warm us up. It really was fun watching all the Santa's run this way and that. Ho Ho Ho.....