I wanted to have one last "huu rah" run of the year, but we all know that it is not much fun to run by yourself. I decided to create an event on Facebook, and invite a few friends and see who was willing to be my running buddy. I honestly thought that only about 5 or 6 people would show up. To my wonderful amazement, there were 17 of us on Saturday morning.
When I woke up on Saturday morning, I was thinking, "What did I do? I just want to crawl back in bed. I do not want to run today." But I had already made the event and had a few people planning on attending, which made me more accountable.
My daughter Jacque was the official photographer of the event. She made this video! (I can't figure out how to post a video here, so you'll just have to click on the link.) I decided that I would set up a water station at the half way mark, just in case someone needed a drink. I cut what oranges I had at the house and took my last 4 bananas with me to share with my running buddies after the run.
The route I picked was an easy one. 3.1-ish miles. A straight road, first 1.5 miles was a gentle up climb, and then the turn around point where I put the water station. The final 1.5 miles was the best....gradual downhill. Jacque took photos of all when they crossed the "finish line." When I arrived at the half way point, where the water station was, everyone was just gathered around, chatting and laughing. This was nice as we had a chance to get to know one another. There were people that came that I knew, that I kind of knew, and people that I just met.
I felt really good on this run. Maybe the Race RX Cardio is working??? I consumed a Chocolate Raspberry GU, it was ROCTANE. May be my new favorite flavor.
After our run, Krista, Jacque, Josie, Ashlee, and myself went to Noodles & Co. for lunch! Love Noodles. I had my usual, Penne Rosa with a small salad.