JoAnna talked me into putting my name into a "lottery" for Canyonlands Half Marathon in Moab. I wasn't going to do it. In fact, the deadline ended, but then the next day I found out that it had been extended due to a website malfunction. I thought, "It must be fate." What are the odds that we would get in, right??? Well, guess who will be running a half marathon on March 17th in Moab? You got it, me and my gang...JoAnna, her son, Mindy, and myself.
This has lit a little fire under my feet, and got me out of my comfort zone into the "training zone."
2012 races I am registered for: (so far)
March 17th, Canyonlands Half

Pink 5k in Pleasant Grove
May 12th ,

Red Rock Relay in Moab, and then the following week, the 19th, the Ogden HALF. I know, scheduling of this didn't really make sense, but what the heck. This should keep me rockin and rollin for the first part of 2012.
October, Pink Half Marathon in Park City
Not sure if I am going to run the TOU half in 2012. Also, I would love to do the Provo Halloween Half again, this was so FUN!!! But it will be a couple of weeks after the PINK and not sure about that yet.
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