Here I am with my "car pool" buddies. This race did not have a bus to take you to the start. Car pooling was highly encouraged, as there was about 600 participants. That would be alot of cars up our little Blacksmith Fork Canyon!
Did not sleep well last night, I guess I was just too excited to sleep. Not really scared, just excited and anxious. As for my eating last night......well, I need to work on that. Hopefully I will have enough energy for today. I was to meet at Cathy's house at 5:30 to catch a ride. To my surprise, Mindy showed up! She has had a hip muscle injury, and I didn't think that she would do this.

I have been having "heel" issues for about 2 months now. I think it is the start of plantar faciatis. I went to Stucky Chiropractic and he used a laser on my heel. Did this a couple of times, and it seemed to help, but then the burning sensation came back. I have been doing specific stretching, rolling it on a frozen water bottle, and using KT taping methods. Hope it holds up today!
For breakfast, I had a bite of a banana, but it was too mushy, so I had 2 pieces of peanut butter wheat toast and some OJ. I took this with me to eat on the way up.I also took a bottle of water with me and 2 packets of GU.
The starting line was a sort of crazy fun. I checked in, got my number and t-shirt. I ran into a few people that I knew that were running too. I thought that I would be more nervous than I was. I guess this was a good thing. As we were gathering on the road, the announcer was saying something.....no idea what it was? Took my first GU here.

I positioned myself about in the middle of the group. I was standing my Mindy when we started, then I just kind of got in my own little "groove" and went my own pace. This time I decided that I was actually going to look at the scenery as I ran. My first race was at Thanksgiving Point, and at the finish line, I was told of all the really cool sights that I missed.
The road was not closed during this event, so every now and then a car would pass by. There were 2 police guys on bicycles patrolling up and down, probably looking for injuries. There also was a motorcycle policeman that would go up and down the canyon.
Blacksmith Fork Canyon is quite pretty and peaceful if you just take the time to look around. The river has come down quite a bit. There were a few people that came out of their cabins or camping areas to cheer us on. That was nice to see and hear.
The weather couldn't have been nicer. A nice overcast morning, with a breeze at my back every now and then. In my mind I was saying a silent prayer to thank Him for the wonderful weather for my first race.

It was nice that this course was marked! At mile 4, there was an aid station. Here I took some water, and took my 2nd packet of GU. Then off I went. At mile 6, I double checked my watch, and I seemed to be going a little faster than my usual.....about a 10.5 minute mile. This was good news. Mile 7 and the "up climb" began. I made it to the first reflector marker, then I walked the rest of the way to the top of the hill. At the top, was the second aid station. I took both Gatorade and Water. Gatorade to drink, water to dump on my head and the back of my neck.
I had been keeping track of Claud, this runner who was carrying a flag. He was always within my eyesight. I figured if I could see him, I was making good time. Sometime after mile 7, I lost him. My timing is off, I am back at an 11 minute mile.

Coming down main street in Hyrum was quite exhilarating. Knowing that I was so close to accomplishing my goal. I wanted to come in under 2 hours with no injuries. I crossed the finish line at 1.43.36. I met my goal........yet that night all I could think of is "I should have pushed myself harder." I know that I could have pushed a little harder towards the finish, but at the time, I really didn't know what I was to expect. My legs were not burning, I was not out of breath, I had more to give. Next time.

Waiting for me at the finish line were my
Number One Fans!!! Mom and Dad, and my little
Ashlee!!! Dad had brought me a bouquet of balloons. I was so excited to see them! Ashlee was there too, taking pictures. Wonderful thing to have loved ones waiting for you, and knowing that they would be there meant alot to me. Thanks!!! Love YOU!

My running buddies! Cathy was our speed demon.........I was medium mommy............and Mindy was our determined injured amazing woman.
Our goal....................to do the best we could. Did we reach it.........
YES WE DID! Would we do it again????????????
See you next year!