Yesterday, Krista, Jacque and I participated in the Dirty Girl Run, a 4 mile muddy obstacle course. We had a BLAST!!! Nothing like "DESTINATION RUNNING!"
Friday night we ate dinner at Noodles, went shopping, and stayed at the Crystal Inn. Come Saturday morning, we ate breakfast at the hotel, and decided to walk to the Wheeler Farm, so we did not have to deal with parking. Jacque and I had picked up some wacky glasses and headbands. We were taking pictures that morning and it was so fun, we got the giggles, and just couldn't stop! I took my camera with me to the race, and put it in a plastic ziplock bag. When we arrived, we went straight to the check item area, and I was having second thoughts about taking my camera. Ultimately decided on a "NO." I found some friendly face to take our picture before our wave started. We were in wave 4. Good call on this! During the race, I lost me and Jacque's glasses that were in my pocket.
We made our way over to the starting area. They were having a costume contest, voting was by way of public opinion. There was this one lady dressed up as an EPT, positive of course cause she was pregnant; the Cotton Rockettes, who were tampons! Who would have thought to do this. I wish I had my camera at this time cause it was so funny. They were all in white, had "Cotton Rockettes" on their backs, and had these tall white cylinder looking hats with a white cotton braid! One of there group was a maxi pad, and another was the playtex tampon box; ladies in wedding dresses, and not dumpy looking ones, but kind of nice ones; lots of tu-tu's; teams with matching socks; a bumblebee team with "pollinating for a cure" written on their shirts; teams in cocktail dresses; ladies wearing flashy looking bra's over their t-shirts; lots of fun team names and outfits.
The course was pretty easy going. The first obstacle was hay bales, then tires and tire swings. After that we ran on a boardwalk and through a path that led to two walls. The first wall was short, easy over. The second wall was a bit more of a challenge. When we got there, there was a big back up of about 80 ladies in front of us waiting to hurdle or climb this wall. There were two willing guys there helping us poor damsels in distress, along with a step ladder. We chose to go around this along with some other ladies. The next obstacle was where we had to belly crawl in the mud under a net. They had bra's tied to the net too. After that we climbed a rope/net up one side, down the other and off we went into the great unknown...........a water path. The water was anywhere from ankle deep to thigh high deep. It was really cold water too, I think it was the river that had flooded the banks. When we came out of the water, we were clean! Then on to crawling through some big pipes and then hurdling some more pipes. This took us to mile 2, and the course just repeated itself, another lap to equal 4 miles.
Second time around Jacque received a "war wound." She scraped her knee up as she was crawling through the pipes. I got a "raspberry" on my knee through the tummy crawl. Oh, and Jacque also got a blister on her foot!
At the finish line we got to run through BUBBLES. This felt soooooo weird!!! We received a "kiss me dirty" towel at the finish, along with a variety of granola bars and either water or a Hammer drink.
Friday night we ate dinner at Noodles, went shopping, and stayed at the Crystal Inn. Come Saturday morning, we ate breakfast at the hotel, and decided to walk to the Wheeler Farm, so we did not have to deal with parking. Jacque and I had picked up some wacky glasses and headbands. We were taking pictures that morning and it was so fun, we got the giggles, and just couldn't stop! I took my camera with me to the race, and put it in a plastic ziplock bag. When we arrived, we went straight to the check item area, and I was having second thoughts about taking my camera. Ultimately decided on a "NO." I found some friendly face to take our picture before our wave started. We were in wave 4. Good call on this! During the race, I lost me and Jacque's glasses that were in my pocket.
We made our way over to the starting area. They were having a costume contest, voting was by way of public opinion. There was this one lady dressed up as an EPT, positive of course cause she was pregnant; the Cotton Rockettes, who were tampons! Who would have thought to do this. I wish I had my camera at this time cause it was so funny. They were all in white, had "Cotton Rockettes" on their backs, and had these tall white cylinder looking hats with a white cotton braid! One of there group was a maxi pad, and another was the playtex tampon box; ladies in wedding dresses, and not dumpy looking ones, but kind of nice ones; lots of tu-tu's; teams with matching socks; a bumblebee team with "pollinating for a cure" written on their shirts; teams in cocktail dresses; ladies wearing flashy looking bra's over their t-shirts; lots of fun team names and outfits.
The course was pretty easy going. The first obstacle was hay bales, then tires and tire swings. After that we ran on a boardwalk and through a path that led to two walls. The first wall was short, easy over. The second wall was a bit more of a challenge. When we got there, there was a big back up of about 80 ladies in front of us waiting to hurdle or climb this wall. There were two willing guys there helping us poor damsels in distress, along with a step ladder. We chose to go around this along with some other ladies. The next obstacle was where we had to belly crawl in the mud under a net. They had bra's tied to the net too. After that we climbed a rope/net up one side, down the other and off we went into the great unknown...........a water path. The water was anywhere from ankle deep to thigh high deep. It was really cold water too, I think it was the river that had flooded the banks. When we came out of the water, we were clean! Then on to crawling through some big pipes and then hurdling some more pipes. This took us to mile 2, and the course just repeated itself, another lap to equal 4 miles.
Second time around Jacque received a "war wound." She scraped her knee up as she was crawling through the pipes. I got a "raspberry" on my knee through the tummy crawl. Oh, and Jacque also got a blister on her foot!
At the finish line we got to run through BUBBLES. This felt soooooo weird!!! We received a "kiss me dirty" towel at the finish, along with a variety of granola bars and either water or a Hammer drink.
Jacque took off her shoes to walk back to the hotel. I brought some flip flops but did not want to wear them unless I could rinse all the mud off my feet, so Krista and I just walked back in our muddy shoes. When we went to rinse off at the hotel, Jacque and I sat on this little coffee table cause we figured that would be the easiest place to clean. We took our socks off and "WOOO" they were F-I-L-T-H-Y.....needless to say, we threw them away. I was amazed at how much dirt I had in my shoes!!

Would I do this again?????? In a heartbeat!
Things I learned????? 1- Take a waterproof camera. 2- Try to get more people to join the team. 3- Come up with some super weird team name and costumes. 4- Definitely stay at the Crystal Inn, we did not have to deal with parking. 6- Take flip-flops to change into after the race to walk back to the hotel in.
Freedom Run, I will see you Monday!
Would I do this again?????? In a heartbeat!
Things I learned????? 1- Take a waterproof camera. 2- Try to get more people to join the team. 3- Come up with some super weird team name and costumes. 4- Definitely stay at the Crystal Inn, we did not have to deal with parking. 6- Take flip-flops to change into after the race to walk back to the hotel in.
Freedom Run, I will see you Monday!
Great Post. It looks like a lot of fun! I'm amazed you are doing Freedom Run. Good Luck. I will be looking for your results! You go girl!